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        Scenic Spots
        Mount Sangpu Scenery Area(Sangpu Moonlight, one of Shantou's Eight Sights)
        Date: 2010-01-14 Source:


        In the west suburb of Shantou City and neighboring Jieyang City and Chaozhou City, this scenery area is the home for the symbolic tower of the Tropic of Cancer, Shantou University, Qirihong Park and Wenggong Academy. The symbolic tower of the Tropic of Cancer is 13.6 meters tall and quite unique in its design. Each year, during the summer solstice, the sun arrives at this point and begins to travel southward. Shantou University boasts elegant and balanced campus architecture. The elevated passages, graceful white buildings and campus landscape earn her the honor of China's best university architecture. Qirihong Park neighbors Shantou University and Wenggong Academy. It was built to commemorate the Seven Day revolutionary regime that was established in Chaoshan region after the Nanchang Uprising in 1927. Wenggong Academy was the place where Weng Wanda, Chief of the War Department in the Ming Dynasty, had his schooling. It is now a place for outing and sight-seeing.

        Source: Website of the Municipal Tourism Bureau



          位于365最快比分网_365bet中文体育在线_365050区西郊,与揭阳市、潮州市接壤,区内有北回归线标志塔、汕头大学、七日红公园、翁万达书院等景点。北回归线标志塔高13.6米,造型独特壮观,每年夏至日可看到日影直射后向南回归的天象景观。汕头大学的校园建筑采取高架通廊,错落有致,典雅的白色建筑与园林湖光相辉映,被誉为中国高校建筑艺术之花。七日红公园与汕头大学、翁公书院等毗邻而筑,专门纪念1927年“南昌起义” 后在潮汕建立的“七日红”革命政权的光辉业绩。翁公书院是明代兵部尚书翁万达青少年读书遗迹,是登高揽胜的好去处。



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