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        Scenic Spots
        Zhongshan Park (Nightingale in Moonlight, one of Shantou's Eight Sights)
        Date: 2010-01-14 Source:


         Located on Zhongshan Central Road, Shantou City, this park is one of the famous parks in southern China. Opened in 1928 and covering an area over 200,000 sqm, the park is surrounded by water on all sides. The landscape is superb, in particular the zigzag bridge, the rockery and Zhongshan Archway. The zigzag bridge has a floor area of 298 sqm and is the largest of its kind that China has ever built in parks. Besides, the park also accommodates Zhanhong Bridge, Bibo Bridge, Yudai Bridge, Huaiyin Bridge, Dingshui Bridge, Qixian Pavilion, Haoran Pavilion, Shengzhi Pavilion, a playground, the children's palace, Guanhua Palace and a zoo.

        Source: Website of the Municipal Tourism Bureau.





        Copyright by The People's Government Of Shantou City. All Rights Reserved.
